What’s Your Slogan?

A Guest Blog by Andrew Chymych

My friend and colleague, Andy Chymych, provided me with his article about slogans that I wanted to pass on to you this week.  Take Andy’s challenge below and create your own slogan.  Then, live by it.  If you want, I’ll help you craft one worth living by, so that to your fullest, you can keep REACHING…



In 1981, I had the distinct pleasure of graduating high school and entering military service.  At that time, each of the five branches of the US Armed Forces had a recruiting slogan to market their particular branch and mission, and to motivate young people to join and serve their country in the branch of their choice.

The Marines’ slogan was “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.”  They were offering us an opportunity to feel pride—in the lives we lived, in our accomplishments, and in the contributions we made.  They were telling us to have more courage than the average person and to always be faithful to a cause.

Then there was the Coast Guard slogan: “Always Ready.”  This was about hard work—the hard work of being prepared and developing and having the right mindset.  What you’re thinking right now is what you’re creating right now, and you have the power to create your own outcome.

The Army’s slogan was “Be All You Can Be.”  Have you ever said to yourself, “There’s got to be more to life than this”?  The Army’s message was not to sell yourself short; to discover the true you and your call to greatness; to experience living at your full potential.  Do something amazing!  Be more than average!  Don’t settle for anything less than what you were created for.  Do the best you can.  In the Army, greatness was not a choice; it was a destiny.

The Navy had an interesting one, too: “It’s Not Just a Job, It’s An Adventure.”  In other words, your commitments don’t have to be a struggle; they can be liberating.  You should be doing what you love.  I read something that said if you look at opportunity like a job, you’ll be paid like an employee.  If you look at opportunity like a business, you’ll be paid like a business owner.  If you look at opportunity like a sport or a game, you can be paid like a professional athlete.  Make your life so adventurous people will buy tickets to come see it.

Last, and not at all least, was the Air Force, where I proudly served from 1981-1992.  Our slogan was “Aim High!”  Don’t aim somewhere in the middle, and don’t aim low.  Most people fail because they aim too low, and many don’t aim at all.  Why not reach for your dream?  Set your goals high.  Someone once shared with me that I should shoot for the moon because even if I miss, I’ll land among the stars…and that’s not bad at all.

I believe that if you can dream it, you can do it.  I challenge you to create your own slogan and then live by it.  Believe in yourself and in your abilities.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Why not make it a great one?


Andrew Chymych is the founder of World Class Thinkers, LLC.  A resident of Arizona, Andy incorporates his love for motivational speaking into his work as an insurance agent.

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