A former Toastmasters International champion speaker, Sandy delivers keynote speeches that are inspirational, humorous and leaves advisor and agent audiences excited about getting back to work and making a difference.

Most recently he has appeared before industry audiences at The Professionals’ Forum in Nashville and the Canadian Sales Congress (where he addressed over 700 Canadian advisors), as well as several smaller venues.

Among his talks are:

Here are a few clips from recent presentations:

Clip from The Professionals' Forum 2023: Who's the Best Advisor in Your Community?
Sandy speaking about being AWESOME at the Canadian Sales Congress 2023
Clip from The Professionals' Forum 2024: Help your clients be heroes.
Sandy Schussel speak into the world _ Is who you're being...

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16 Disciplines

I suppose it would have been more fun if I called them 16 “hot tubs” for advisors, or less intimidating if I called them “practices,” but after 17 years of working with and observing how the most successful advisors, it's clear that there are branches of knowledge involved. 


Practice these simple 16 disciplines daily and watch how quickly and easily your practice grows.

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