Who do you want to BE this year?


Where does that question come from?

What if I told you that who you’re being is actually more important than what you’re doing?

If you are being a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, you show up in the world as a Ferrari or Lamborghini.

If you’re being an old subcompact car or a beat up old pickup truck, you show up in the world as an old subcompact car or a beat up old pickup truck.

If you’re being the best advisor in your community, you show up as the best advisor.  If you’re being an ordinary, unimpressive advisor, you show up as ordinary and unimpressive.

Who you are being is one of the reasons that guru trainings don’t get most advisors the same amazing results as the gurus.  You can DO the same things they did, but you’re not BEING them—and it just won’t work as well for you.

The good news, however, is that who you’re being can change.  It comes with a change in your thinking.

Do you see yourself as a great advisor whose work changes the lives of everyone you speak with, or do you see yourself as salesperson?

When you see yourself as the former, you want to help everyone you know improve their lives and the lives of their families. And you want to reach out to everyone everywhere to try to help as many people as you can. Family, friends, and other people you know are the first people you want to help.

If you see yourself as just another salesperson, you don’t want to “bother” friends and family and you gulp before you begin conversations with strangers.

But if you are seeing yourself that way, you simply don’t understand—and believe in–your value.

While you’re DOing your best work, use these to help you BE your best self as an advisor:

1. BE the best advisor. In every business situation, aim to act, react, and speak as if you are the best advisor in your community. Not the way you normally would. Not the way you think you should.  But how you believe the best advisor in your community would act, react, and speak.

2. Ask your clients what value they get out of working with you, and believe their answers. Years ago, I had an advisor client who found out from a couple he was working with that they saw him as the best “marriage counselor” they ever had. Working with him, they stopped arguing about money. We tend to be very poor judges of our own value.

3. Write down the stories of people who have expressed gratitude for what you’ve done for them.  Whenever you’re questioning your value, read those stories.

Taking these steps will help you be the advisor you want to be, and your business will grow to match who you’re being.

Who you’re being is one of the things we work on in my Marketing Tune-up programs. Learn more about them and apply for one here.

And, in the meantime, keep REACHING…


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16 Disciplines

I suppose it would have been more fun if I called them 16 “hot tubs” for advisors, or less intimidating if I called them “practices,” but after 17 years of working with and observing how the most successful advisors, it's clear that there are branches of knowledge involved. 


Practice these simple 16 disciplines daily and watch how quickly and easily your practice grows.

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