You Can’t Solve an “Inside” Challenge With An “Outside” Solution

You’ve broken through the 6-figure annual earnings barrier, but everything you’re doing isn’t getting you to the mid-six figures or beyond.  

And if you’re fully committed to make that happen, you’ve tried buying lists, paying for expensive dinner seminars, learning the process of another successful advisor to try to make it your own, increasing your networking, and other external solutions, but none of them has worked to move the needle forward.

There’s a reason these efforts are not getting you the results you want: you’re addressing an inside the business problem with outside the business solutions. 

When advisors who want to grow their businesses are having difficulty making that happen, their problem is either:

They’re not 100% committed to the growth they say they want, or
There’s something inside their business in the way of that growth.

If I’m not focused enough on a niche or in my work, if I don’t have adequate systems, if I’m not organized, if I don’t have a good strategy or the right strategy for me and my market, I’m dealing with inside challenges.

Buying lists, paying for expensive dinner seminars, and those other solutions I mentioned, are outside solutions that are likely to fail to substantially increase business. No matter how good an outside solution is, it can’t work until you’re ready for it inside your business.

You need to have a crystal clear target, a client service and astonishment program, an irresistible offer and at least a simple marketing plan. Only then will one of those solutions work for you.

The advisors who are moving forward most quickly are addressing the inside issues—getting clear on their ideal clients and how to reach them, developing systems for serving and delighting existing clients and for scaling their businesses, and effectively using their time and energy.

While many top advisors believe that it’s their unique strategy or system that got them where they are, they also recognize that their commitment, along with focus and persistence, contributed to their success. 

When I interviewed top advisor Van Mueller for my podcast series, ‘Top of the Table’, Van’s advice was “Get a coach…I’ll bet you any money that you’ll get back a hundred times more than what it cost you to invest in your career…”

In our interview, Van went on to say, “I can’t tell you how strongly I believe in this…[coaching has been] helping me still get better and still get better and still get better. And again, having a coach helps you organize that, so you do it in the most effective and efficient way possible.” 

‘Outside your business’ solutions, such as dinner seminars and advertising can only work when the ‘inside your business’ challenges, such as having and focusing on a target with an irresistible offer have been addressed.

Working on the inside issues will set you up for growth in a way that no outside solution can, because it gives you the focus of top advisors and a clear understanding of what needs to be done to move your business forward.

Working on the inside issues first will also increase the chance that outside solutions you choose will work better.

If your annual revenue has broken through the six-figure barrier, and you want to scale to mid-six or a million dollars as quickly and efficiently as possible, I’d love to help. 

We’ll work together for three months on the following:

  1. Analyzing your relationship with your top clients and the prospecting and marketing that has already worked for you and enhancing these.
  2. Determining who your ideal client is and their most important reason to hire you
  3. Building all your outreach around these two areas and designing a business plan you can follow every day.

The short-term outcome will be 2-5 pieces of new business during the three month period, and the permanent outcome will be a system you can use to add $50,000+ to your gross income next year and to watch your business accelerate beyond that year after year.

If you’re interested in the rest of the details, contact me and we’ll have a quick conversation to see if this approach makes sense for you.

As always, keep REACHING…

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16 Disciplines

I suppose it would have been more fun if I called them 16 “hot tubs” for advisors, or less intimidating if I called them “practices,” but after 17 years of working with and observing how the most successful advisors, it's clear that there are branches of knowledge involved. 


Practice these simple 16 disciplines daily and watch how quickly and easily your practice grows.

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